The Challenge


Manual underwriting processes bear high operational costs with small ticket loans. Automating your credit decisioning process can dramatically reduce operational costs.

Microfinance often represents a high level of credit risk, which can translate into high default rates. Utilising credit analytics and machine learning algorithms,

can help optimise your credit scorecard and reduce your credit loss.

Microfinance borrowers often have limited financial literacy. Personalising the repayment terms to match their profile can significantly enhance the customer experience.


The PARETIX Smart Credit Analytics (SCA) Platform is a complete AI-Driven underwriting solution, that includes:

  • Policy/decision engine

  • ML-driven scoring engine

  • Portfolio management dashboard


The Solution leverages internal and external data sources, including MNO data & Mobile Wallet data, to develop a bespoke credit scoring model that combined with your lending policy, will provide a personalised credit recommendation.

The Solution can be easily integrated into your existing credit origination flow and systems,
and be accessed in real time via the Paretix APIs.



Bespoke models leverage your domain expertise and uniqueness to develop your own credit scorecard

AI Driven Credit Scorecard - Machine Learning Algorithms to constantly improve your model. No data scientist required

Rapid Implementation - Up and running in weeks

Your business expert has oversight on the algorithms and can challenge them (not a black-box)